How to answer this employers’ question: What is your biggest flaw?
This question is a classic. It allows them to learn more about you about weaknesses that you are unlikely to display during the interview. We all have froze when this question came up during our first job interview. We figured we’d be prepared for the next time, but each time our response was a bit awkward, we felt like we got tangled up in our brushes and had a poor interview. There are several ways to answer the question: What is your biggest flaw? Here are three that you can put into practice in your future interviews. Obviously, you must remain sincere, the opposite would be felt.
1. Talking about improved skills
That is, when you are asked about your biggest flaw you can turn the answer around to talk about a weakness you have been working on. In addition to answering the question, you are demonstrating to the person in front of you that you are a modest person who works on yourself in order to improve who you are. Remember not to talk about key skills for the job. This could have the perverse effect of causing doubts about your achievements and your qualifications for the job.
For example, Pierre is a freelance writer who applies for a writing contract: The numbers have often scared me. This is why I specialized in writing since words have no secrets for me. However, during my previous job, I had to use various analysis tools to see the scope of my articles. I have been able to greatly improve my skills with numbers while applying them to my writing job.
2. Talking about non-essential skills
To the same extent as the first point, here we can be honest and name one of our flaws. On the other hand, by taking care to choose a defect which will not harm our position. Since your fault will not be essential to the success of your task, it will not harm you. Obviously, remember to evaluate the scope of your words. What we mean by this is that in naming one of your weaknesses, you need to make sure that it is not essential to the success of the job, but also that the employer understands well what you are trying to say. If you apply to give training and say that you are not comfortable speaking in front of several people, it will not work since it is probably one of the most important skills.
For example, Alice is a freelance writer applying for a design contract : Personally, my biggest fear is speaking to a crowd. I am a fairly reserved person and it takes a lot of effort to speak in front of several people. However, I enjoy talking about my ideas and the creative aspect of my work in committee since I feel competent when it comes to it.
3. Transforming a flay into a quality
Flaws aren’t all equal. Moreover, there is a way to transform into quality what, for some positions, would be a flaw. Being picky to the point of having an OCD can be seen as a flaw, or an asset! It is up to you to sell this flaw as a quality that enables a quality product to be delivered. Regardless of what you choose as a flaw, you should mention that you know you have it, but that doesn’t stop you from being productive. Indeed, this is what can come up from a flaw, like the one we mentioned.
For example : Frédérique is a freelance writer and applies for an accounting contract : I am an anxious woman. From school where I was anxious to perform well until now, I always remember wanting to be effective at what I did. However, it keeps me ahead of the game and I never deliver a report late. This anxiety however does not affect the rest of my life where I am a balanced person who likes to move around and get out of my comfort zone.